Crazee Joe

Archive for the ‘Old Live Journal Posts’ category


August 20th, 2004

GOD DAMN IT! I WILL NOT HAVE A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN 7 DAYS BEFORE I AM SUPPOSED TO MOVE! I will not have a heart attack, or an aneurysm I will do what needs to be done, Move and then be through with this bullshit! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I Spent the day moving my brother into his new apartment. I will probably spend most of tomorrow moving the rest of his stuff and helping him set the place up. Thursday I will be spending the whole day shopping for my new apartment. I am all running through a gambit of emotions, Trying to [...]


May 8th, 2004

So do I lock my door to keep those who want to hurt me out? or should I leave it unlocked to allow those who love me to come to my rescue?