Crazee Joe

Archive for the ‘Bitchin Moaning and Ranting!’ category


August 30th, 2004

I have always been there for everyone. Keeping it togethor, coming to the rescue, offering advice, Wisdom, assistance wherever possible. I have lent you money, helped you find jobs, helped you move, and lended aid whenever called upon. I have offered you a place to escape your parents, drink, smoke, party. I have diligently cleaned [...]


August 20th, 2004

GOD DAMN IT! I WILL NOT HAVE A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN 7 DAYS BEFORE I AM SUPPOSED TO MOVE! I will not have a heart attack, or an aneurysm I will do what needs to be done, Move and then be through with this bullshit! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!