Crazee Joe

Crazy Joe's Mad World!

This Page is a window into the madness that is Crazy Joe! While browsing through this looking glass you will find all sorts of odds and ends, mostly humorous, bitter or sarcastic. With the overall randomness of the updates, photos, videos, comments you will get a good idea of the "ADD" that is what goes through my mind.

Cause why not?

April 19th, 2006

So I am Bored and Hyper!

What to say, Feeling a bit nostalgic for days gone by. But alas they are gone. I have been looking through some old photos, and thinking about highschool, and college and the time right after. Seems like just yesterday, and yet it was so many years ago. When did we all get so old? When did everyone go out and get themselves careers and families? What happened to our hair!?! Planning for retirement?! What the hell!

Never sure who will stumble across this sight. So for all you webstalkers out there heres an update. I own a co-op in Brooklyn now. Been living here for about a year and a half, and it is actually almost finished. Will it ever be totally done? I doubt it, but it still rocks pretty hard.

I am a career computer technician, Sr desktop support, Jr Network stuff. Currently inbetween jobs and not too interested in ever going back to work. So I better win the lotto soon. Job hunting kinda blows, but thats probably a more appropriately crazee rant for another post.

I have a list of projects I need to get to.

Need to 100% once and for all finish Flesh Feast the motion Picture, burn the dvd’s print the dvd labels and ship em out to the masses.

Working on passing about half a dozen Computer certifications, so stupid Headhunters and HR people will drool and blow there loads over my resume and throw piles of money at me!

Then I need to get a job, where I can get paid an ungodly sum of money, and jerk off all day!

Got to get back on my diet, Put on a few pounds in the last few months, and that will just not do.

I need to get back into practice so I can win the world series of poker this year!

Finally I need to stop procrastinating! In the Immortal words of Ferris Bueller “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around every once in a while, you just may miss it!”

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