Crazee Joe

Archive for the ‘Old Blog – Pre Wordpress’ category


June 18th, 2008

Happy Birthday to me. I am feeling old

Look It’s a post!

April 19th, 2006

So I am Bored and Hyper! Figured I would finally make a post on this blog that updates to the Crazeejoe Sight. What to say, Feeling a bit nostalgic for days gone by. But alas they are gone. I have been looking through some old photos, and thinking about highschool, and college and the time [...]

First SemiOfficial Post

January 28th, 2006

This is my First official post in my newly redesigned webpage. Theres still alot of work to do. I need to finish tweaking the layout of this page, and add a ton of content, like more pictures, videos and links. I also need to make adjustments to the way this blogging software updates my page. [...]