Crazee Joe

Crazy Joe's Mad World!

This Page is a window into the madness that is Crazy Joe! While browsing through this looking glass you will find all sorts of odds and ends, mostly humorous, bitter or sarcastic. With the overall randomness of the updates, photos, videos, comments you will get a good idea of the "ADD" that is what goes through my mind.

First SemiOfficial Post

January 28th, 2006

This is my First official post in my newly redesigned webpage.

Theres still alot of work to do. I need to finish tweaking the layout of this page, and add a ton of content, like more pictures, videos and links. I also need to make adjustments to the way this blogging software updates my page. With that in mind it is possible that I will be editing this post, or removing it completely.

Anyway, Welcome to my Page. I hope you enjoy it.

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